The world economy is about to collapse, again.

It all began in 1929, as explained in the video below.

A decade later, WOII erupted, shortly followed by the Korean War. Then we had the golden sixties with the Cuban crisis and the Six-Day war, followed by the maiden 70’s. In that decade we had the oil crisis and the Vietnam war.

The 1980’s were also know as the black eighties. A lot happened in that decade, such as the Cold War, the Falkland war and many more. It ended with the fall of communism. Also in that decade, we had another stock market crash.

The next decade began with the fall of the Berlin Wall and ended with the Dotcom bubble. That was the beginning of the end. We neared the top of the economic mountain.

7 years later the impossible happened:

Today we are at the verge of a complete economic meltdown as never seen before in human history.

Sign 1. Whatever central banks are doing, they just don’t seem to be able to raise the inflation. In some, if not most, countries we can see negative interest rates. Just to inflate the economy even more.

If you ask a professor in physics if you can inflate a balloon indefinitely, then his answer would be: “Absolutely not. It will pop.” Somehow those bankers don’t seem to understand a simple law of physics.

Sign number 2. Several banks, and even central banks, are on the verge of collapse. Very recently, Deutsche bank, fired over 18000 people.  More information about it in the video below:

Sign nr 3. Both Russia and China are buying tons of gold for deep storage. Seems that they know what is coming.

Sign number 4. More and more physical stores are closing. You might think that is due to the rise of online selling. Then how come that the number of bankruptcies in the trucking industry in Belgium alone in June has risen by a staggering 19.5%? (Source) On this website, you can read that it is not going any better. They write that the number of bankruptcies in the trucking industry is not going down. That means that it can only go up.

Sign number 5. Then there is the housing market. Prices keep rising. Interest rates keep going down. It is getting harder and harder to find money to buy a house. More and more people are losing their house because they can’t pay their bill’s. And there are coming more houses on the market than there are people to buy them. That means we have a housing bubble ready to pop on our hands. Again.

Sign number 6. On top of that there are derivatives. Those are repacked mortgages and other financial instruments. Mostly bad debt. There are trillions of euros worth of those things. Warren Buffet named these derivatives: financial weapons of mass destruction. If that bubble bursts, and it will, then the entire banking industry goes down with it.

Today we are at the top of the economic mountain. Since that mountain is much, much bigger that the one in 1929, the way down is also a hole lot longer and possibly even steeper.

What does all that mean?

Prices of every day necessities are going up faster that the salaries. Which means that less and less people can pay all their bills. Because of that, more and more houses are vacated. Either the rent isn’t getting paid or the mortgage isn’t. Those with neither of those expenses are the lucky ones. Then the housing market collapses. Those who wanted to sell their house, are losing most of the money they put in that house, leaving them with an unpaid mortgage. You saw what followed in 2008. Only this time the mountain is much higher. Bankers still did not learn their lesson.

On this page, you can read the five stages of collapse. Financial, economic, political, social and cultural collapse. The dutch version can be found here.

Good news?

There is however also good news. You can survive that collapse. You, meaning everyone. Nobody has to die. Below you will find a document explaining how you can survive the coming collapse. And that for only 2€. That 2€ will keep you alive and if you are smart enough, you can even make a lot of money during that crisis.

English: How to survive the coming economic crisis?

Dutch: Hoe overleef je de komende financiële crash?